Hi my name is Sjoerd, and I am the creator of Pie Chart Pirate. The question I get asked the most is: "What software do you use when making your data visualizations?". In this post I will answer that question.
I use my own python data visualization library, it is called sjvisualizer. I have published parts of it open-source here: https://www.sjdataviz.com/software
Currently this open-source version can only make bar chart races.
The current capabilities of the non-open-source version of sjvisualizer are as follows:
✔️ Pie Charts (it started with that)
✔️ Line Charts
✔️ Vertical Bar Charts
✔️ Stacked Bar Charts
✔️ Maps
I want to make these charts available for early access as well at some point through launching a data visualization community. Feel free to sign up here: https://www.sjdataviz.com/community